5000Plus is a UK ministry responding to the needs of poor people by empowering them to increase their income through starting and successfully running livelihood projects. We work with those of any gender, ethnicity, religion or community to share our simple but highly successful model. We are motivated by our faith in the God who loves His creation and a belief that His instruction to “remember the poor” means responding with practical action.
5000Plus is working in partnership with communities and organisations in Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Middle East.
5000Plus Newsletter December 2022
8 February 2023 - read the news
Testimonies from Jars of Love Community - the 5000Plus Partner in Burundi
8 February 2023 - read the news
Video - Live Income Generation Project Training Seminar - English with Swahili Translation
1 February 2023 - read the news
From the perspective of my own amazing journey of responding to the needs of those trapped in debt and founding the ministry of Christians Against Poverty; it has been inspiring watching Rob and Jane, with great commitment and integrity, empower so many families to lift themselves out of poverty. I have no hesitation in commending the work of 5000Plus.